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  • HI, sorry. we have not it yet. we always reply here when we get it. when users add a request here, we add those to our list and maybe somedays will buy it

    Joomla! Share جمعه, 03 خرداد 1398
  • Hey, don't know why it took 2 weeks to get (no) reply? Even if you don't want to add the addons, it doesn't hurt to send a reply.

    Kind regards

    Patrick Kracht شنبه, 28 ارديبهشت 1398
  • Sorry, but can you give me a short reply on this?

    Patrick Kracht دوشنبه, 23 ارديبهشت 1398
  • Sorry for asking but, ....any updates on this one? Kind regards

    Patrick Kracht چهارشنبه, 18 ارديبهشت 1398