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Skyline Downloads Pro

Skyline Downloads Pro 3.1.3

(0 رای)

Skyline Downloads Pro is a complete solution of management and sharing documents or files for your Joomla website.

نمایش ها 7,091 دانلودها 12
نسخه: 3.1.3 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1399-08-14
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده ExtStore external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 25 $ EUR


  • Compatibility: Downloads Pro works well on Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3 and later versions.
  • Categories management: Downloads Pro allows you to create unlimited categories/subcategories. One of the greatest features is that when you change the configuration setting, it will apply to all categories. In general, the sub-categories permission inherited from parent categories and the component’s configuration. All properties assigned to a category (permissions, metadata, templates, etc.) remain after the category is copied or moved.
  • Documents management: Downloads Pro is not only helpful and powerful in managing documents but also in sharing a huge amount of document files. You can add title, multiple files/images, short and full description, version, license, document and demo url to every document.
  • Featured Documents: If one document is marked as featured, it can be managed in a specific section.These documents will display on the component’s frontpage.
  • Super easy files/images management: Files/images are listed in popup box and managed by folders. You can filter them by name or change the list's limitation. More especially, you can upload multiple files/images at one time with drag and drop files/images support.
  • Document License: Downloads Pro allows you to create licenses for documents. If a document is tied with a license, users will have to accept license agreement before downloading.
  • Download Logs: Download hits will be recorded with full information of username of downloader, document name and rate. Search tool and dropdown filters help you to track file downloads more easily.
  • Access Permission: You can set access level to allow a certain user group to download, rate or comment on documents.
  • Allowed Extensions: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, zip, rar are some default file extensions but you can add any file extension that you want.
  • New/Hot Label: Each document can be marked as New or Hot product. You are able to set number of days for making a product as New or Hot.
  • JComments: Download Pro supports the powerful and easy-to-use Ajax-based comment system - JComments.
  • Nice Template: With the template engine, it's easy to make a new template that inherited from default theme.
  • Dynamic Module: You can limit documents and select them from certain categories in the Downloads Pro module. Documents are sorted by various orders (name, date modified, most recent, most downloads) and download date format is customizable.
  • SEO Performance: The component is optimized superlatively for Search Engine due to Joomla full SEF/SEO compatibility and effective metadata performance. it’s simple to add meta description and meta keywords to a document. These will be used as the description of the page in the HTML output and generally displayed in the results of search engine.
  • Search Plugins: Search/Smart Search plugins supports you in searching for information in Downloads Pro’s content (description and short description).
  • Ajax Rating: This feature offers you a stars rating system which is integrated to Downloads Pro documents. The code control the rates with IP and store the user rate to the database with ajax and give a better user interface buttons working with jQuery.
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