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Briefcase Factory

Briefcase Factory 4.1.0

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Users can upload and share files with other individual users or with specific assigned user groups, so Briefcase factory is allowing the webmaster to easily manage a complete document sharing system, while configuring the limited availability period, as well as benefiting from email notifications and other important settings.

نمایش ها 4,917 دانلودها 16
نسخه: 4.1.0 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1398-09-09
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده thePHPfactory external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 78.99 € EUR

Key Features

  • User uploaded files
  • Multiple file uploads at once
  • Users can create and share folders
  • Sharing options (publicly, specific users, specific groups)
  • Users can choose to share files only for a limited amount of time (share expires after day X)
  • filtering options (extension, category, status)
  • Settable restrictions of maximum size for files and folders
  • Notification system
  • Quick search bar


  • Multi-language support, UTF-8 support, comes default with English INI language files
  • SEO/SEF friendly
  • Default integration with Joomla! user profile, allowing a single login for Joomla! and component
  • Easy transition to RTL
  • Simple installation, configuration and updating process


  • Unlimited categories and subcategories levels

Main Settings

  • Set number of items and users per page
  • Define allowed extensions for upload
  • Set the maximum number of files that can be uploaded simultaneously
  • Set the maximum allowed size for files and folders
  • Enable/disable notifications
  • Set up the groups users are allowed to share files with
  • Enable/disable administrator overrides
  • Manage permission settings for all user groups (frontend access, management access, share files publicly, download public files, backend access, etc.)

Modules & Plugins

  • Modules that display latest public files, top downloaded public files, latest private shared files (multiple instances module)
  • Statistics module (number of public and total files)


  • 4 Email notifications that can be enabled/disabled by users
  • Customizable email templates

Backend Management

  • Manage files and folders
  • Add bulk files from server
  • User management
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