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Love Factory

Love Factory 4.5.0

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یک سیستم جامع دوست یابی تحت وب که می توانید آن را روی سایت جوملایی خود نصب نمایید تا کاربران بتوانند با یکدیگر دوست شده و پیام ارسال کنند.

نمایش ها 8,051 دانلودها 48
نسخه: 4.5.0 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 1.5 & 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1398-09-09
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده thePHPfactory external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 219 € EUR

Custom Fields

  • Unlimited custom fields that can be created and published in any page
  • Multiple field types (Checkboxes, Multipleselect, Textarea, Radio buttons, etc.)
  • Fields can be arranged with a user friendly drag and drop system
  • Each custom field can be set as searchable, rendering it available in advanced search
  • Option to set fields as compulsory
  • Visibility restrictions for each field

Layout & Themes

  • Fully customizable template system
  • Configure with a few simple clicks every section, page, field
  • Zones can be arranged with a user friendly drag and drop system
  • Smarty based template allowing even more flexibility
  • Fully customizable CSS


  • Paid memberships which limit or grant access to users
  • Advertising (place ads between search results at every x rows)

Key Features

  • Friends and Top Friends lists
  • User status updates
  • Photo and video gallery (support for embedded videos)
  • Comment system (page owner can delete any comment on his page)
  • Messaging system (users can create, send and receive personal messages)
  • Interaction system (sending hug, wink and kiss emoticons)
  • Relationship requests
  • Users can create interest groups
  • Rating System
  • Ignore list (to avoid spamming or any unwanted contact)
  • Users can report profiles, comments, photos, videos, and groups
  • Activity stream
  • Approval system for various actions
  • Admin definable currency
  • Google Maps localization
  • Info bar (shows on all Love Factory pages and displays notifications)
  • Shoutbox
  • Invoices


  • Multi-language support, UTF-8 support, comes default with English INI language files
  • SEO/SEF friendly
  • Default integration with Joomla! user profile, allowing a single login for Joomla! and component
  • Easy transition to RTL by editing the product templates
  • Simple installation, configuration and updating process

User Profile

  • Configurable account details (name, date of birth, interests, location, etc.)
  • User status update
  • Enable/disable email notifications
  • Select profile status (online, only for friends, private)
  • Settable Date & Time format
  • Personalized fields

Main Settings

  • Date & Time format
  • Enable/disable user email notification
  • Enable/disable friends list, top friends and relationships
  • Allow users to change their profile status (online, only for friends, private)
  • Registration settings (Joomla!'s or Social Factory's form, redirect page after login)
  • Groups settings (allow users to create groups, groups per page and more)
  • Approvals (profile changes, photos, videos, comments, messages, groups)
  • Photo settings (set images size for photo maximum width and height, thumbnail maximum width and height)
  • Page settings (set up various pages: profile view, activity, members map, search, search radius, videos gallery)
  • Enable/disable interactions
  • Enable and set up Info bar and Shoutbox
  • Enable and set up Google Maps
  • Enable and set up ReCaptcha
  • Manage banned words
  • Cron jobs settings (notifications, shoutbox message interval, activity stream entries interval, etc.)


  • Simple search after name and username
  • Advanced search using various criteria: gender, age, relationship status, etc.
  • Radius search using Google Maps
  • Searchable custom fields
  • Search module based on 2 types of searches: Quick and Advanced

Payments Gateways

  • Several Payment Gateways supported for payments towards the site: Paypal, Moneybookers/Skrill, Sagepay, iDealing, Targetpay, Bank-transfers

Modules & Plugins

  • Search module based on 2 types of searches: Quick and Advanced
  • Groups module
  • Modules that display members based on various criteria: latest registered, best rated, last viewed, my profile visitors, random, friends' birthdays, latest active (multiple instances module)
  • Users statistics module
  • Shoutbox module
  • User and system plugins

3rd Party Integrations

  • Google Maps
  • ReCaptcha
  • Gravatar
  • Chat Factory
  • Blog Factory
  • Embedded video integration


  • 15 different types of email notifications for all important events to users and administrators
  • Customizable email templates

Backend Management

  • Actions: manage membership plans, deal with reports, approve or reject actions, etc.
  • Backup and restore Love Factory database and settings (can also include Joomla! users)
  • Import data from Jomsocial (fields, user profiles, blocklist, messages, photos, photo comments, videos (YouTube only), video comments, groups, friends)
  • User management
  • Groups management
  • Payments management
  • Dashboard containing several statistics and information
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فقط کاربران عضو سایت پس از ورود به سایت قادر به دانلود این فایل می باشند.


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