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Watermarks for JomSocial

Watermarks for JomSocial 2.4.0

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A solution to protect photos and avatars in JomSocial!

Protect your Photos and Avatars. Easily blend your logo with photos and avatars.

It provides a convenient way to implement watermarking in the social network.

Watermarks for JomSocial allows to add a watermark to profile avatars or photos, at the same time they are uploaded.

نمایش ها 5,393 دانلودها 2
نسخه: 2.4.0 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1399-08-13
توسعه دهنده Extly Extensions external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 10 $ EUR

In a nutshell

Watermarks for JomSocial allows to add a watermark to profile avatars or photos, at the same time they are uploaded.

  • Watermark on Photo Create
  • Watermark on Profile Avatar Update
  • Watermark on Photos Upload
  • Only with JomSocial 3 Watermark on Avatar and Cover change for User Profiles
  • Only with JomSocial 3 Watermark on Avatar and Cover change for Groups
  • Only with JomSocial 3 Watermark on Avatar and Cover change for Events


  • On Photo Create
  • On Profile Avatar Update
  • JomSocial 3 - onAjaxCall, photos, Set Photo Cover, and Update Thumbnail
  • Watermark for Photos
  • Watermark for Photo Thumbnails
  • Watermark for Avatars
  • Aligments: top, middle, bottom, left, right, and center
  • X,Y watermark position
  • Alpha channel support

The Alpha channel support is a specfic feature to allow blending between the water mark and the image. Eg watermark with a PNG Alpha 50%. In this way, the watermark appears almost transparent, overimposed on the photo.


  • Joomla 3 / 2.5
  • JomSocial 3, or superior
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