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Wishlist for Virtuemart

Wishlist for Virtuemart 4.2

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The Ultimate Component to save your Favorite Products/Wishlist, share them with Family and Friends over Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Email. Available for Guest and Registered Users, VMWishlist provide a complete set of feature to manage your favorite products and wishlist anytime, everywhere.

نمایش ها 5,804 دانلودها 21
نسخه: 4.2 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 1.5 & 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1394-10-01
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده 2KWeb Solutions external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 5 EUR

Some of the Features:

  2. Font Awesome Icons for easy customization and 12 presets
  3. Product thumbnails on Wishlist Module
  4. Limit the number of favorite products per user
  5. Guest Lists Plugin with Automerge option on Login/Registration
  6. Additional Password Protection for Shared Favorites/Wishlists
  7. "Ask for a quote" Feature (Sending Products List to Admin)
  8. Full Admin control of all the Component options
  9. Native Joomla 1.5.x/2.x/3.x – Virtuemart 1.1.x/2.x/3.x (NO HACK)
  10. 100% MVC architecture
  11. Complete Joomla ACL Integration (User/Group permission level)
  12. Fully support for Virtuemart Custom Fields/Attributes
  13. 100% Customizable with Joomla Overrides
  14. Complete Back-End Administration
  15. Multilanguage
  16. Dedicated DB Tables for storing/sharing Favorite Products & Wishlist
  17. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Email sharing system
  18. Private and Public Favorites List/Wishlist
  19. Favorite Products Module
  20. Wishilist Module
  21. Favorite Products Stats
  22. SEF Compliant (Core Joomla SEF, sh404sef and more…)
  23. Ajax Cart enabled (if available)
  24. Advanced Cart for Items Qty Automation (Wishlist)
  25. Custom Items Note on Order Review (Wishlist)
  26. CSS Template Based (Fully Customizable)
  27. Three Steps Installation, it works right out of the box
  28. It DOES NOT REQUIRE IONCUBE - Our component doesn't use any encryption and can be fully customized.
  29. You can ADD products to your Wishlist FROM ANY PAGE, not just from the product detail page like other similar scripts do.
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