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Spider Catalog Pro

Spider Catalog Pro 1.8.10

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Spider Catalog for Joomla! is a convenient tool for organizing the products represented on your website into catalogs. Each product on the catalog is assigned with a relevant category, which makes it easier for the customers to search and identify the needed products within the catalog. It is possible to add an unlimited number of parameters for each of the categories in the catalog in order to allow a detailed representation of the product on the catalog. Moreover, each product on the catalog can be accompanied with an image. Customers are provided with the possibility of rating the products available on the catalog, as well as writing customer reviews that will appear under the catalog products. Spider Catalog provides you with a high level of customization concerning almost all the aspects of the catalog, ranging from background colors and text size inside the product cell to the number of products in the row and the number of customer reviews per catalog page.

Views 6,731 Downloads 4
Version 1.8.10 Created
System Joomla 2.5 & 3 Changed 2016-12-02
Website JED external Developer Web-Dorado external
License GNU/GPL external Price 5 EUR

Features of Spider Catalog:

  • 7 different view options for the catalog.
  • SEO-friendly URLs for the products: URLs of the catalog are being generated with the ID and the product name.
  • Export/Import Products.
  • Default ‘Price’ and ‘Market Price’ (appears as crossed out) parameters for each product on the catalog.
  • Possibility to make the following customizations:
  • Enable/disable product ratings and customer reviews for the products on the catalog.
  • Customize the product cell layout on the main page of the catalog and the product page separately.
  • Choose the background colors of practically all the fields of the catalog item cell.
  • Customize the color of any text on the catalog.
  • Select the text size for each of the fields on the catalog.
  • Customize the width and height of the catalog product cell, as well as the style, color, width, and height of the product cell border.
  • Choose the number of catalog products in the row and the number of rows in the catalog page, as well as the number of customer reviews per catalog page.
  • Customize the width and height of the product on the catalog, as well as to choose the design of the stars used to indicate customer ratings on the catalog.
  • Search products by name and category name on the catalog.
  • Choose how the products are organized on the catalog: Cells, List, Cells2, Wide Cells, Thumbnails, Cells3 or Single Product.
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