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DJ-ContentFilters - YOOTheme Pro filter

DJ-ContentFilters - YOOTheme Pro filter 1.6.1

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DJ-ContentFilters plugin works with YOOTheme Page Builder only! 

With this handy YOOtheme PRO plugin, you can choose the fields you need for your search, set the order in which they should be displayed, and mix it up with beautiful styles. It’s easy to use, fast to build, and has zero coding required!

Views 3,459 Downloads 25
Version 1.6.1 Created
System Joomla 3 & 4 Changed 2024-05-30
Website JED external Developer DJ-Extensions external
License GNU/GPL external Price 45 € EUR

Freedom in search fields

Checkbox, radio, text, from-to, select, date 

Designed with Joomla's core article's fields functionality in mind, our plugin gives you the freedom to use inputs, radio buttons, checkboxes, from-to, and date picker search field types.

Build your own directory

Bussines directory, recepies, vechicles catalog and more...

Create your own Joomla! core articles based directory. You do not need separate component to create your own search directory of content. 
There are no limits to what you can create! Add your favorite restaurants, your favorite destinations in the city or create a cook book website with tons of recepies. Be creative and make it yours!

Create perfect search box

Each search field is a separate element

Each field type has its own independent element, so you can mix and match to create your perfect search box. Choose the field types you want to include in your filter, the order in which they should appear, and then go ahead and adjust everything using tons of YOOtheme's page builder settings. 

Whether it's cars, hotels, restaurants or even attractions - you can create a custom filter for any use case.

Stay focused on design

YOOtheme PRO page builder

DJ-ContentFilters plugin is an extension dedicated to YOOtheme page builder so you can focus on design and content creation instead of coding.

DJ-ContentFilters offers the best balance between simplicity and customization. You can quickly set up a search filter section that meets your needs with just few clicks, or go nuts with all the settings available. In each scenario, however, you can be sure that all will look nice and clean.

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