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Ad Agency Pro

The ultimate advertising extension for Joomla!

Ad Agency is the #1 advertising extension for Joomla!

Start generating income from your traffic today by creating an advertising program!

Show ads on ANY module position available on your template and even on other sites. Where to place your ads is an important decision. You want the flexibility to display your ads anywhere you want and the flexibility to display as many ads as you want.

Create advertisement packages based time, impressions or clicks (CPM, CPC or Time).

Campaigns allow you to limit display of ads based on time, impressions or clicks
iJoomla Ad Agency allows you and your advertisers to create campaigns, which are a grouping of ads by one advertiser that are limited by clicks, impressions or time.

JomSocial Stream Ads
JomSocial’s Stream Ads let you present ads on your community’s activity streams in a beautiful, non-distracting way. With the amazing redesign of JomSocial 4.0 we had a great opportunity to add stream ads that blend beautifully in the new stream.

Keyword Targeting
iJoomla Ad Agency allows you to display ads based on keywords. This feature is important because it allows you to minimize the amount of packages you need to create and at the same time allows you to display ads based on targeted keywords.
For example, if a particular article is about dog food, you can display ads with keywords such as "dog, food, dogs," etc.

Social Targeting
Social Media Targeting lets you use all of the demographic data available on social media sites to shoot your ads directly to the people most likely to buy.

Geo Targeting
If you're using Joomla and you're looking to add Geo Targeting to your ads, then look no more! Now iJoomla Ad Agency gives you the power and flexibility you need while remaining user-friendly to you and your advertisers.

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Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


8 years ago
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6 years ago
Is it just me? Apparently the clicks are not being tracked. Impressions are tracked flawlessly, but clicks don't appear in any reports.
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6 days ago
Unable to download component in "get update". Link goes back to home/index page of Joomashare.ir.
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
6 days ago
Hi, fixed. try now.
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